We invite you to join us for our Wild Wedding Weekend in Fabulous Las Vegas, flying in Thursday, October 23rd, and flying out Sunday, October 26th.

To keep your travel costs down, we're covering all hotel expenses. To be clear, you do not need to book a room—we will be doing this for you. Everyone will be staying at the same hotel, likely on the very same floor. It's going to be so much fun!

Our guest list is a “small but mighty” 17 people strong: moms and dads, brothers and sisters, grandparents, one aunt and uncle pair, our surrogate Nashville family, and spouses/significant others. You are all so precious to us.

Cocktail attire is suggested for the wedding itself.

Additionally, this weekend will be “child free”—no children are allowed. We absolutely love our nieces and nephews, but we want to maximize our time with each one of you during this occasion.

We look forward to a weekend of pure fun—a time of care-free celebration and love; a time of family connection and community.

Again, we hope you join us for our Wild Wedding Weekend, October 23rd through October 26th.

Love, Rachel & Phil